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  • Is a veterinarian's referral required for hydrotherapy treatment?


  • A veterinarian’s referral is required for the evaluation before any hydrotherapy treatment is conducted. We will need to better understand your dog's conditions by obtaining the necessary medical information and recommendation from your vet/ vet surgeon; A physical assessment will be scheduled before the hydrotherapy treatment starts. All hydrotherapy session will be recorded for a post review to discuss your dog’s progress.

  • No veterinarian’s referral is required for all other swim programs such as Happy Doggy Swim/ Puppy Puppy Swim.


How long is each hydrotherapy/ swim program?


  • The maximum period for all swims is 30 minutes. Each swim and duration may vary depending on each dog’s needs and conditions. It is common for first swim/ treatment to last as little as 5 or 10 minutes. They could be standing on the ramp/ pod, just to get used to the feel of water around them, and it reduces the risk of potential adverse reaction/ fear post-treatment. As the patient’s conditioning improves, the duration of each session is likely to increase to a maximum duration of 30 minutes.


Are all breeds of dog suited to hydrotherapy?


  • We have the BIGGEST & LONGEST Indoor swimming pool that gives us the facility to manage dogs of all shapes and sizes, from a Chihuahua to a Great Dane. We will take particular attention to specific breeds or age who may find it difficult to breathe comfortably in the water.


How is our hydrotherapy session conducted?


  • We will tailor each treatment plan according to each dog's physical condition and age. Therefore, a detailed Vet's medical information is required from the owner to better understand and treat the dog's current state to help them to get back to full recovery.

  • For the first time swimmer, our hydrotherapists will gently introduce your dog into the pool. The dog will be closely monitored and supervised at all times. We require our dogs to wear the floatation aid that allows the handler to assist the dog in and out of the water without endangering themselves or putting the dog at risk.


How many sessions will it take to see improvement?


  • Any recovery/ improvement will depend on the condition and age of your dog; we have seen improvement/ positive reactions in 2 to 3 sessions. The number of treatments needed depends on the dog and its condition. If hydrotherapy is recommended for the short-term condition like rebuilding strength or recovering from minor surgery, it can be as few as six sessions. For a dog with chronic illness, hydrotherapy can be long-term, or even ongoing for the rest of its life. The most important is to let your dog enjoy the quality of life they deserve.


Who will perform the hydrotherapy treatment?


  • Our hydrotherapists are certified with Level 3 Certificate in Hydrotherapy for Small Animals and trained Canine first aider. They are trained by the Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Referrals, United Kingdom


How soon after surgery can we start hydrotherapy?


  • The postoperative period is determined by your dog’s vet and vet surgeon. In some cases, hydrotherapy can begin 2-8 weeks after surgery depending on the healing of the wounds. A vet's approval is required to proceed with any hydrotherapy treatment. 


Can I bring my dog in pre-surgery hydrotherapy treatment?


  • It is good to start your dog on pre-surgery hydrotherapy, but it depends on your dog’s condition and your vet’s recommendations, The pre-surgery swim sessions can help strengthen their body and fitness before and even quicken their recovery period with post-surgery follow up hydrotherapy sessions. Most of the dogs that experienced pre-ops hydrotherapy are able to adapt better during their post-ops hydrotherapy sessions as they are already familiar and more comfortable in the water.


How long will it take for my dog to recover from surgery before hydrotherapy treatments?


  • In general, the recovery period spans 8 to 12 weeks for most procedures for a healthy pet. Our hydrotherapists will be able to assess your dog’s condition and propose a recovery program.


Will we be able to see improvements with hydrotherapy treatment?


  • The progress of your dog’s condition will be monitored and recorded. An assessment of your dog's condition and treatment will be given at the end of each session. All being well, you should see progression/ improvement in your dog’s mobility, fitness and well-being. The rate and progress will depend on the health condition, breed, and age and fitness level of the dog. Typically it will take some sessions or a few weeks to be readily noticeable.


How often do you recommend hydrotherapy treatment?


  • In most cases, we recommend treatment to be conducted once/ twice weekly.  However, this can be adjusted to fit your pet’s needs and your schedule and budget. For some severe cases, we will recommend 3 times a week.


Is there a vet in Hydro Canine?


  • No.  We do work closely with a few top vets in Singapore. Do ask the reception for more information


Can healthy dogs benefit from swimming?


  • The answer is a definite YES! This is one of our goals! We want to encourage more dog owners to start a well balanced aquatic and land exercises for their healthy dogs. We have various programs for them to stay fit and happy.   


What is the cost? Do you have any packages? 


  • We have hydrotherapy and different swim programs available. Do contact us for more information


Can I stay with my pet during his/her appointment?


  • Unless your dog is highly distracted during the treatment, we will encourage you to stay for the treatments. Your participation and awareness of your dog’s condition are critical to your dog’s faster and successful recovery.


Can I be in the pool with my dog during his hydrotherapy treatment?


  • Unfortunately not, all hydrotherapy treatment must be carried out by trained and certified hydrotherapists.


What if my dog is scared of the water or cannot swim?

  • Not all dogs are natural swimmers, just like people, our dogs may need to be encouraged and taught how to swim. During the swim, we will gently introduce them into the pool and let them stand at the ramp to get a feel of the water around them. All dogs will be under the direct supervision of qualified hydrotherapists who will be in the pool with them to ensure your dog’s safety.  We practice positive reinforcement, encouragement and patience to help them enjoy swimming. Flotation jackets and toys will be used to encourage and motivate your dog along.


How clean and safe is your pool water? Will it be high chlorinated?


  • Our facility uses the revolutionary Photocatalytic Oxidizer water system to kill all bacteria in the water. The system will significantly reduce the need for high levels of chlorine in pools. These UV oxidisers are commonly used in most human swimming pools because it is the most effective method of ensuring the water is free from bacteria, with minimum chlorine used.

  • Our water quality will be tested a minimum of 2 times a day, maintaining cleanliness and ensuring the water is of the safety standard. Our hydrotherapists are fully trained in water management so that chemical levels are monitored and recorded throughout the day.


How is your pool different from the normal swimming pool or the sea?



  • Our pool is the longest and biggest indoor swimming pool in Singapore.

  • Our pool is heated to a warm temperature of between 30°C which helps in blood circulation, relaxes the muscles, stiff joints and reduces pain, inflammation.

  • Coldwater swimming will cause blood vessels to constrict, resulting in a decrease/ restriction in blood flow. Plus, your dog may get sick as seawater has high salt content and bacteria which can cause diarrhoea and induce vomiting. We have seen cases where the dogs’ skin rot and fur peel off as they suffered great pain from jellyfish’s sting while swimming in the sea.


Who owns and operate Hydro Canine? How many centres do you have currently and are you affiliated with any other hydrotherapy centres?


  • Hydro Canine is owned and operated by a husband and wife team, Dave & Belle.

  • Currently, we have one centre and we pride ourselves to be the biggest and longest indoor swimming pool for dogs.

  • We are not affiliated with any other Canine hydrotherapy centres in Singapore. 



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